I don’t know about you, but I have wanted to tackle my pantry for, what seems like, forever.
It can be totally overwhelming; Believe me, I get it.
The good news is; I am here to help!
To start, I know we all like to portray [On social media] the best aspects of our lives. Or rather, put our most fabulous foot forward.
I am here to tell you, life isn’t perfect. My life isn’t perfect. No one’s life is perfect; Nor is it as fabulously flawless as it seems to be on social media.
My home can be [My idea] of perfect; But it can also be a chaotic mess of all the wonderful flaws and perfections that make up my life.

My life is perfectly imperfect and that’s okay.
To the right and below are some images of sections of my pantry, before my pantry tune-up.
I would throw things in there [Trying to be somewhat organized] as fast as I could after grocery shopping.
It wasn’t horrible but I wanted that Pinterest pantry; Who wouldn’t?
This is real life; In the images to come, I will show you my version of a Pinterest worthy pantry.
I think it is important to realize that, as much as I would like to believe that my pantry will always look this flawless, it won’t.
I love this organized look and flow of my pantry, but life will get busy and my pantry might get “messy looking” again. It is okay!
Excuse the mess; I live here.
-Real Life

I am going to be transforming this look, consistently; Because honestly, it is costly to create this look. I will continue to add on to this; I cannot afford to spend hundreds upon hundreds of dollars on pantry canisters at one time.
I feel like the average person cannot afford to spend that kind of money on a pantry in one day; So don’t feel like you have to tackle it all in one day. This is my beginning.
I will say that, since using this system, I feel that it is worth the money.
It is easier to find things and to see what we are running low on. Not-to-mention, my husband can find everything without yelling across the house…
Babe! Where is the…?!
I don’t know about you but, feeling organized just makes me happier; So there is that [Haha].

I am so happy with the finished product!
I decided to coordinate different color palettes and materials.
Combining these materials helps to make the space less “cold” feeling and balances out the colors with different tones.
I combined…
- Stainless Steel
- Wood
- White | Clear Plastic
- Baskets

I found all of these different storage items at Target.
However, you can find these containers at almost any home decor store.
Below, I have linked all of the containers pictured on this blog entry.
- Threshold- Glass Storage Canister With Wood Lid
- OXO Pop- Airtight Food Storage Containers
- Felli Flip– Acrylic Canisters
- Anchor Hocking Glass Penny Jar
- Threshold- Bread Box
- Threshold- Basket
I purchased these items in a multitude of different sizes; Just based on my current needs at the time.

I am BEYOND excited to share my pantry labels with all of you!
When I started looking into organizing my pantry, I knew I had to have a nice label display.
Where did I automatically go?
Etsy, of course.
As I began my search, I thought of something. Instead of spending MORE MONEY on, Pinterest worthy, pantry labels; Why not make my own, to save a little money?
Not to mention, I can share them with all of you!
So, that is exactly what I did.

I have uploaded my pantry label document below, for you to use however you would like.
Hopefully, this helps you to save a little money too; Every little bit helps!
We’re in this together girls!
P.S.- Open on computer for printing | layout; Not on your phone.
I have made this download capable of being edited; So you can change | edit the labels, and their size based on your needs.
After saving your edit, [Or using the pre-made labels] all you have to do is click print, cut out your labels, and stick them on to your canisters; It is that easy!

I purchased this “adhesive cardstock” paper from Walmart.
Any matte adhesive paper will work.
Find these at multiple stores, such as:
- Walmart
- Target
- Office Depot
- Staples
- Amazon
- Avery
That is all there is to it. If you have any questions or need any advice; As always, feel free to reach out!